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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Photochemical site-selective synthesis of [70]methanofullerenes

Vidal, S., Izquierdo, M., Law, W.K., Jiang, K., Filippone, S., Perles, J., Yan, H., Martín, N.
Chemical Communications , 2016 , 52 , 12733 12736 ,DOI: 10.1039/c6cc06072b

Repeat protein scaffolds: Ordering photo- and electroactive molecules in solution and solid state

Mejías, S.H., López-Andarias, J., Sakurai, T., Yoneda, S., Erazo, K.P., Seki, S., Atienza, C., Martín, N., Cortajarena, A.L.
Chemical Science , 2016 , 7 , 4842 4847 ,DOI: 10.1039/c6sc01306f

Investigation of cobalt redox mediators and effects of TiO2 film topology in dye-sensitized solar cells

Safdari, M., Lohse, P.W., Häggman, L., Frykstrand, S., Högberg, D., Rutland, M., Asencio, R.A., Gardner, J., Kloo, L., Hagfeldt, A., Boschloo, G.
RSC Advances , 2016 , 6 , 56580 56588 ,DOI: 10.1039/c6ra07107d

Effective conjugation in conjugated polymers with strongly twisted backbones: A case study on fluorinated MEHPPV

Milad, R., Shi, J., Aguirre, A., Cardone, A., Milián-Medina, B., Farinola, G.M., Abderrabba, M., Gierschner, J.
Journal of Materials Chemistry C , 2016 , 4 , 6900 6906 ,DOI: 10.1039/c6tc01720g

Cancer stem cells from human glioblastoma resemble but do not mimic original tumors after in vitro passaging in serum-free media

García-Romero, N., González-Tejedo, C., Carrión-Navarro, J., Esteban-Rubio, S., Rackov, G., Rodríguez-Fanjul, V., Oliver-De La Cruz, J., Prat-Acín, R., Peris-Celda, M., Blesa, D., Ramírez-Jiménez, L., Sánchez-Gómez, P., Perona, R., Escobedo-Lucea, C., Belda-Iniesta, C., Ayuso-Sacido, A.
Oncotarget , 2016 , 7 , 65888 65901 ,DOI: 10.18632/oncotarget.11676

TCNQ grown on cu (001): Its atomic and electronic structure determination

Capitan M.J., Navío C., Beltran J.I., Otero R., Álvarez J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2016 , 120 , 26889 26898 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b08999

Importance of Protons and Specifically Adsorbing Ions on Changing Capacitance, Space Charge Potential Inside the Solid, and the Interfacial Potential at the TiO2 Aqueous Solution Interface

Wang Y., Tejedor-Tejedor M.I., Tan W., Anderson M.A.
Electrochimica Acta , 2016 , 219 , 577 587 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.electacta.2016.10.053

Resonant energy transport in dye-filled monolithic crystals of zeolite L: Modeling of inhomogeneity

Viani L., Minoia A., Cornil J., Beljonne D., Egelhaaf H.-J., Gierschner J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2016 , 120 , 27192 27199 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b10038

Influence of solution chemistry on the dielectric properties of TiO2 thin-film porous electrodes

Wang Y., Tejedor-Tejedor M.I., Tan W., Anderson M.A.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C , 2016 , 120 , 21543 21551 ,DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.6b07061

Fragmentation network of doubly charged methionine: Interpretation using graph theory

Ha D.T., Yamazaki K., Wang Y., Alcamí M., Maeda S., Kono H., Martín F., Kukk E.
Journal of Chemical Physics , 2016 , 145 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.4962061

Even harmonic generation in isotropic media of dissociating homonuclear molecules

Silva R.E.F., Rivière P., Morales F., Smirnova O., Ivanov M., Martín F.
Scientific Reports , 2016 , 6 ,DOI: 10.1038/srep32653

Enhancing High-Order Harmonic Generation in Light Molecules by Using Chirped Pulses

Lara-Astiaso M., Silva R.E.F., Gubaydullin A., Rivière P., Meier C., Martín F.
Physical Review Letters , 2016 , 117 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.093003

Two-Particle Interference of Electron Pairs on a Molecular Level

Waitz M., Metz D., Lower J., Schober C., Keiling M., Pitzer M., Mertens K., Martins M., Viefhaus J., Klumpp S., Weber T., Schmidt-Böcking H., Schmidt L.P.H., Morales F., Miyabe S., Rescigno T.N., McCurdy C.W., Martín F., Williams J.B., Schöffler M.S., Jahnke T., Dörner R.
Physical Review Letters , 2016 , 117 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.083002

Determination of Energy-Transfer Distributions in Ionizing Ion-Molecule Collisions

Maclot S., Delaunay R., Piekarski D.G., Domaracka A., Huber B.A., Adoui L., Martín F., Alcamí M., Avaldi L., Bolognesi P., Díaz-Tendero S., Rousseau P.
Physical Review Letters , 2016 , 117 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.073201

Reconstruction of an excited-state molecular wave packet with attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy

Cheng Y., Chini M., Wang X., González-Castrillo A., Palacios A., Argenti L., Martín F., Chang Z.
Physical Review A , 2016 , 94 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.94.023403

Interaction of an S100A9 gene variant with saturated fat and carbohydrates to modulate insulin resistance in 3 populations of different ancestries

Blanco-Rojo R., Delgado-Lista J., Lee Y.-C., Lai C.-Q., Perez-Martinez P., Rangel-Zuñiga O., Smith C.E., Hidalgo B., Alcala-Diaz J.F., Gomez-Delgado F., Parnell L.D., Arnett D.K., Tucker K.L., Lopez-Miranda J., Ordovas J.M.
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , 2016 , 104 , 508 517 ,DOI: 10.3945/ajcn.116.130898

Integration of thick-film permanent magnets for MEMS applications

Jackson N., Pedrosa F.J., Bollero A., Mathewson A., Olszewski O.Z.
Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems , 2016 , 25 , 716 724 ,DOI: 10.1109/JMEMS.2016.2574958

Nanoscale Engineering of Designer Cellulosomes

Gunnoo M., Cazade P.-A., Galera-Prat A., Nash M.A., Czjzek M., Cieplak M., Alvarez B., Aguilar M., Karpol A., Gaub H., Carrión-Vázquez M., Bayer E.A., Thompson D.
Advanced Materials , 2016 , 28 , 5619 5647 ,DOI: 10.1002/adma.201503948

Study of sugar cane bagasse fly ash as electrode material for capacitive deionization

Lado J.J., Zornitta R.L., Calvi F.A., Tejedor-Tejedor M.I., Anderson M.A., Ruotolo L.A.M.
Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis , 2016 , 120 , 389 398 ,DOI: 10.1016/j.jaap.2016.06.009

Charge migration induced by attosecond pulses in bio-relevant molecules

Calegari F., Trabattoni A., Palacios A., Ayuso D., Castrovilli M.C., Greenwood J.B., Decleva P., Martín F., Nisoli M.
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics , 2016 , 49 ,DOI: 10.1088/0953-4075/49/14/142001