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Nanoengineered drug delivery systems for helping drugs to reach their targets

Prof. Maria José Alonso
Research Center on Molecular Medicine (CIMUS), School of Pharmacy, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Monday, 07 May 2018 12:00


Our group, being committed with the translation of ideas from the university through pharmaceutical nanotechnology, has designed novel nanostructured materials intended to transport drugs and antigens across biological barriers and to deliver them to the target tissue. During my presentation I would like to overview the different applications of the nanotechnologies we have designed until now, with special emphasis in the area of targeted oncologicals and cancer immunotherapy. Overall, our experience in the field of nanomedicine has greatly benefited from integrative approaches adopted by specifically designed consortia. Hopefully, the results of these cooperative efforts will help to accelerate the progress on the rational design of nanomedicines.
More information about these projects can be found at:
