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Álvaro Somoza receives the Science Communication Award from the Spanish Association Against Cancer


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Prof. Somoza with Isabel Alejandro Balet, representative of the company Castañer and Pilar Cort, president of AECC Girona.

Álvaro Somoza, principal investigator of the NanoBioTechnology Research group at IMDEA Nanociencia, receives the Scientific Communication Award 2017 of the Spanish Association Against Cancer AECC.

The awards of the Spanish Association Against Cancer AECC are conceived with the purpose of promoting the scientific communication activities of the research against cancer amongst the scientific community of the AECC. The second edition of the awards were given during the 12th Symposium of Results and Advances in New Research Lines that AECC organized in Barcelona this 31st of May 2018.

Nanoworld Cancer Day

The award recognizes the dissemination activities carried on the Nano World Cancer Day 2017 celebrated at the Oncology Institute Vall d’Hebron in Barcelona. The Nano World Cancer Day is an event organized in the framework of the World Cancer Day (February 4th) in 16 countries across Europe. It aims to amplify awareness about Nanomedicine and its ability to introduce new opportunities and game changers such as Nanoscience and Nanotechnology in the fight against cancer. In Spain, the activity was organized jointly by NanoMedSpain and IBEC with the support of AECC and the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness and attended by over 80 researchers, physicians, students, stakeholders as well as representatives of the World Health Organization WHO. Álvaro Somoza participated in the event together with Ángel del Pozo and Teresa Macarulla, all members of the NoCanTher Consortium. NoCanTher is a project coordinated from IMDEA Nanociencia that joins 11 partners from several European countries towards the translation of nanoformulations against pancreatic cancer to an early clinical development. 

AECC funds scientific programs against cancer

The scientific group of Somoza is also funded by the AECC through the research projects funding and private funding of the company Castañer. The project pursues the design of new strategies for the treatment and detection of eye melanoma based on gold nanoparticles.

With the Award in Scientific Communication the AECC recognizes the relevance of the scientific results on cancer patients as well as the potential and impact of the dissemination action of Prof. Somoza in the society.