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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Board of Trustees

The Foundation IMDEA Nanociencia was inscribed on February 13th 2007 as a non-profit organization while establishing a Board of Trustees as its top governing body.

The Board of Trustees is the sovereign body that legally presides and oversees the Binding Governing Structure of IMDEA Nanoscience and has full control and authority over all matters affecting the Foundation. According with Spanish Law the Board of Trustees was established at the same time as the Foundation itself and currently has the following 17 members. Representaciones Institucionales del Patronato

Board of Trustees

  • President of the Board of Trustees
    • Prof. Ivan K. Schuller
      Expert on transfer of knowledge and nanotechnology. 
      Advisor of the State of California and the National Nanotechnology Initiative, USA
  • Madrid Regional Government
    • Mr. Emilio Viciana Duro
      Regional Minister for Education, Science and Universities C.M.
    • Ms. Ana Ramirez de Molina
      Deputy Regional Minister for Universities, Investigationand Science C.M.
    • Ms. Marina Pilar Villegas Gracia
      General Director for Research and Technological Innovation C.M.
    • Ms. Bárbara Fernández-Revuelta Fernández-Durán
      Deputy Director General for Research of the Consejeria de Educación, Universidades, Ciencia y Portavocia C.M.
    • Mr. Nicolás Javier Casas Calvo
      Director General of Universities C.M.
    • Ms. Laura Gutiérrez Barreno
      Deputy Minister for Health C.M.
    • Mr. José de la Sota Rius
      Madri+d's Scientific-Technical Coordinator
  • Spain National Gobernment
    • General Direction of Research, Ministry of Science
    • Dra. Ángela Fernández Curto
      General Subdirectorate for Scientific and Technical Facilities
  • IMDEA Institutes Trustees
    • Dr. Fernando Temprano Posada
      Appointed by IMDEA Software
    • Dr. Jerry B. Torrance
      Appointed by IMDEA Materiales
  • Scientists
    • Prof. Ivan K. Schuller
      Expert in Nanotechnology Transfer. Advisor of the State of California and the National Nanotechnology Initiative, USA
    • Prof. Cayetano López
      CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
    • Prof. Hector Abruña
      Ithaca Cornell University New York, USA
    • Prof. Miquel Salmerón
      University of California, Berkeley, USA
  • Universities and Public Research Organizations
    • Prof. Mª Soledad Martín González
      Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain
    • Prof. Lucía de Juan Ferré
      Complutense University of Madrid. Spain
    • Prof. Daniel Jaque Garcia
      Autónoma University of Madrid. Spain
    • Prof. Fernando Calle
      Polytechnic University of Madrid. Spain
  • Industry
    • Mr. Emilio Ramiro Arcas
      Arquimea Advanced Systems S.A.U.
    • Mr. Manuel Pérez Cortes
      GMV Aerospace and Defense