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Controlling the transformation of primary into quaternary structures: Towards hierarchically built-up twisted fibers

López, J.L., Atienza, C., Seitz, W., Guldi, D.M., Martín, N.
Angewandte Chemie - International Edition , 2010 , 49 , 9876 9880 ,DOI: 10.1002/anie.201004127

A new exTTF-crown ether platform to associate fullerenes: Cooperative n-π and π-π Effects

Grimm, B., Santos, J., Illescas, B.M., Muñoz, A., Guldi, D.M., Martín, N.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2010 , 132 , 17387 17389 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja108744a

Synthesis of MFe2O4(M=Fe, Mn) nanoparticles with tunable sizes

Cabrera, L.I., Somoza, Á., Serna, C.J., Morales, M.P.
AIP Conference Proceedings , 2010 , 1275 , 13 16 ,DOI: 10.1063/1.3505063

Spin signatures of photogenerated radical anions in polymer-[70]fullerene bulk heterojunctions: High frequency pulsed EPR spectroscopy

Poluektov, O.G., Filippone, S., Martín, N., Sperlich, A., Deibel, C., Dyakonov, V.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 2010 , 114 , 14426 14429 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp1012347

Enhanced photoresponse in solid-state excitonic solar cells via resonant energy transfer and cascaded charge transfer from a secondary absorber

Driscoll, K., Fang, J., Humphry-Baker, N., Torres, T., Huck, W.T.S., Snaith, H.J., Friend, R.H.
Nano Letters , 2010 , 10 , 4981 4988 ,DOI: 10.1021/nl103087s

Electronic properties and supramolecular organization of terminal bis(alkylethynyl)-substituted benzodithiophenes

Leenen, M.A.M., Cucinotta, F., Viani, L., Mavrinskiy, A., Pisula, W., Gierschner, J., Cornil, J., Prodi-Schwab, A., Thiem, H., Müllen, K., De Cola, L.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B , 2010 , 114 , 14614 14620 ,DOI: 10.1021/jp102360v

The structural evolution of photochromic reaction in spirooxazine traced with sub-40fs transient absorption spectroscopy

Sai Santosh Kumar, R., Lüer, L., Lanzani, G.
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers , 2010

A collisional model for AFM manipulation of rigid nanoparticles

Gnecco, E.
Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology , 2010 , 1 , 158 162 ,DOI: 10.3762/bjnano.1.19

Ultrafast excitation energy transfer in small carbon nanotube aggregates

Lüer, L., Crochet, J., Hertel, T., Cerullo, G., Lanzani, G.
Optics InfoBase Conference Papers , 2010

Spectroscopic signatures of photogenerated radical anions in polymer-[C70]fullerene bulk heterojunctions

Liedtke, M., Sperlich, A., Kraus, H., Deibel, C., Dyakonov, V., Filippone, S., Delgadod, J.L., Martín, N., Poluektov, O.G.
ECS Transactions , 2010 , 28 , 3 10 ,DOI: 10.1149/1.3503347

Effect of environment on ultrafast photoexcitation kinetics in single-wall carbon nanotubes

Obraztsova, E.A., Lüer, L., Obraztsova, E.D., Chernov, A.I., Brida, D., Polli, D., Lanzani, G.
Physica Status Solidi (B) Basic Research , 2010 , 247 , 2831 2834 ,DOI: 10.1002/pssb.201000238

Activating multistep charge-transfer processes in fullerene- subphthalocyanine-ferrocene molecular hybrids as a function of π-π Orbital overlap

González-Rodríguez, D., Carbonell, E., Rojas, G.D.M., Castellanos, C.A., Guldi, D.M., Torres, T.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2010 , 132 , 16488 16500 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja105864r

Self-organization of electron acceptor molecules on graphene

Barja, S., Garnica, M., Hinarejos, J.J., Vázquez De Parga, A.L., Martín, N., Miranda, R.
Chemical Communications , 2010 , 46 , 8198 8200 ,DOI: 10.1039/c0cc02675a

Experimental and theoretical study of rotationally inelastic diffraction of D2 from NiAl(110)

Laurent, G., Barredo, D., Farías, D., Miranda, R., Díaz, C., Rivière, P., Somers, M.F., Martín, F.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics , 2010 , 12 , 14501 14507 ,DOI: 10.1039/c0cp00431f

Ferromagnetic proximity effect in a -Cox Si1-x /Nb bilayers: Role of magnetic disorder and interface transparency

Alija, A., Pérez De Lara, D., Gonzalez, E.M., Kakazei, G.N., Sousa, J.B., Araujo, J.P., Hierro-Rodriguez, A., Martín, J.I., Alameda, J.M., Vélez, M., Vicent, J.L.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 2010 , 82 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.184529

Phthalocyanine-pyrene conjugates: A powerful approach toward carbon nanotube solar cells

Bartelmess, J., Ballesteros, B., De La Torre, G., Kiessling, D., Campidelli, S., Prato, M., Torres, T., Guldi, D.M.
Journal of the American Chemical Society , 2010 , 132 , 16202 16211 ,DOI: 10.1021/ja107131r

Borca et al. Reply

Borca, B., Barja, S., Garnica, M., Sánchez-Portal, D., Silkin, V.M., Chulkov, E.V., Hermanns, C.F., Hinarejos, J.J., Vázquez De Parga, A.L., Arnau, A., Echenique, P.M., Miranda, R.
Physical Review Letters , 2010 , 105 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.219702

Angular dependence of static and kinetic friction on alkali halide surfaces

Steiner, P., Roth, R., Gnecco, E., Baratoff, A., Meyer, E.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 2010 , 82 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.205417

Covalent and noncovalent phthalocyanine - Carbon nanostructure systems: Synthesis, photoinduced electron transfer, and application to molecular photovoltaics

Bottari, G., De La Torre, G., Guldi, D.M., Torres, T.
Chemical Reviews , 2010 , 110 , 6768 6816 ,DOI: 10.1021/cr900254z

Vortex ratchet reversal at fractional matching fields in kagomélike array with symmetric pinning centers

Perez De Lara, D., Alija, A., Gonzalez, E.M., Velez, M., Martin, J.I., Vicent, J.L.
Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics , 2010 , 82 ,DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.82.174503