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  • Premio 'Optica Student Paper' a Saul García durante el Congreso 'Optica' de Fotónica Avanzada

Premio 'Optica Student Paper' a Saul García durante el Congreso 'Optica' de Fotónica Avanzada

2022.07.24 optica advanced photonics congress saul garcia orritSaül García Orrit has been awarded with the Optica Student Paper Award at the 2022 Optica Advanced Photonics Congress held in Maastrich from the 24th to the 28th of July, 2022. 

In this event, Saül has presented his work about cove-edged nanographenes as a potential optical-gain media for lasing, work done at the 'Organic Photophysics and Photonics' Group led by Dr. Juan Cabanillas

Read the research here: https://repositorio.imdeananociencia.org/handle/20.500.12614/2813