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Elhuyar-Goldsmith Award ceremony

Miércoles, 13 Julio 2022 12:30

Place: Conference room, IMDEA Nanociencia. 

12:30 – 12:45 Presentation of Elhuyar-Goldsmith Award.
Prof. Nazario Martin.

12:45 - 13:30 Lecture:
Optoelectronic Processes in Covalent Organic Frameworks.
Prof. Thomas Bein (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany).

Thomas Bein is Chair of Physical Chemistry at the University of Munich (LMU) (Germany), where he also served as Director of the Department of Chemistry and LMU-Coordinator of the newly funded National Excellence Cluster “e-conversion”. He has recently won an ERC Advanced Grant entitled “Electroactive Donor-Acceptor Covalent Organic Frameworks”. In this ceremony, he will receive from Royal Spanish Chemical Society (RSEQ) the Elhuyar-Goldschmidt Award.