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  • From a research idea to a company, an interactive discussion

From a research idea to a company, an interactive discussion

Dr. Thomas Biellman (CFO of Qfluidics)
Prof. Thomas Hermans (research prof at IMDEA Nano and CSO at Qfluidics)
Lunes, 29 Enero 2024 10:00

Place: conference hall, IMDEA Nanociencia.

In this talk and interactive session, Dr. Thomas Biellmann (CFO of Qfluidics) and Prof. Thomas Hermans (research prof at IMDEA Nanociencia and CSO at Qfluidics) will share their journey of building Qfluidics, a company focused on flow chemistry that spun out of the research group of Prof. Hermans.

Monday 29th January 10:00-11:30 Salón de actos.