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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

The Seventh Spanish Workshop in Nanolithography

Lunes, 23 Octubre 2017 15:00

IMDEA Nanoscience, with the collaboration of its partners within the Nanolito network, organizes Nanolito 2017, The Seventh Spanish Workshop in Nanolithography to be held in Madrid the days 23-25 of October 2017

Nanolito is the Spanish Network of Nanolithography (www.unizar.es/nanolito). It is an initiative sponsored by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and has as an objective to promote knowledge transfer among the different partners involved in nanolithography. The aim of this workshop is to strengthen the research in this field, sharing and exchanging the knowledge of different teams. Contributions related to nanolithography will be welcomed, in particular those works focusing on:

  • Electron-beam lithography
  • Ion-beam lithography
  • Electron-beam and ion-beam induced deposition and processing
  • Nanoimprint and soft lithography
  • Local probe lithography self-assembly
  • Physical and chemical devices requiring nanolithography
  • Industrial applications using nanolithography

As previous Nanolito workshops, this meeting will provide a conducive setting for technological discussions and sharing of ideas to encourage interregional scientific cooperation and to explore avenues for partnerships and commercialization.

