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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

Photoactivatable Oxygenation Catalysts of Amyloids

Prof. Youhei Sohma
Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Miércoles, 05 Junio 2019 12:00

IMDEA Nanociencia Conference Hall

Chemo- and site-selective chemical transformations of peptides and proteins are among the most important challenges in organic chemistry today. The chemical transformations find diverse applications as chemical ligation and chemical biology tools.1 The example involves amino acid-residue selective chemical cleavage of peptide bond that complements the enzymatic digestion in the structural determination of proteins.2 In addition, if the transformations of peptides and proteins are operative inside the body, with additional selectivity to the target molecules that is requisite to avoid the toxicity, the chemical methods could be a therapeutic approach. Here, design and application of photoactivatable catalysts, which attenuates the pathogenicity derived from amyloids via the 1O2-mediated oxygenation,3 is described.

1) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 16313 (2009); Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 49, 5489 (2010); Chem. Pharm. Bull., (review) 64, 1 (2016); Org. Biomol. Chem. 16, 6537 (2018).
2) Chem. Sci., 5, 2747 (2014); Chem. Commun., 53, 3311 (2017); Org. Lett., 20, 7371 (2018).
3) Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 53, 1382 (2014); Nat. Chem., 8, 974 (2016); Chem, 4, 807 (2018); Chem. Commun., in press, doi: 10.1039/C9CC01728C.