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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different

EFISOL Synthesis and Design of new sensitizers for the preparation of more efficient DSSC

Dr. Juan Luis Delgado

EFISOL Synthesis and Design of new sensitizers for the preparation of more efficient DSSC
    Funding : Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. CTQ2012-30668
    Duration: 2013 - 2013
    12 months

In this project a number of strategies have been propossed for the improvement of all the fragments within the Donor- π-conjugaded bridge-Acceptor scheme. To this end, as first activity, we proposse the introduction of light harvesting units, such as oligomers of thiophene or multichromophoric fragments, in order to improve the absortion properties of the donor funit. The second and third activities

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deal with the structural modification of the acceptor fragment and the bridge, to achieve a better electronic communication between the donor and the acceptor units. Finally, the last activity describe the utilization of quantum dots as sensitizers to prepare DSSC. Through suitable control of the size we expect to control the absorption properties of the QD, and therefore increase the efficiency of the devices. As example of applications currently based on this technology, the company G24i started the comercialization of the “Grätzel solar bag”, able to power small electronic devices such as cell phones. It is important to note however that this technology is currently under research in order to improve the stability and price of the final devices.1             

1 http://www.g24i.com/news,g24i-ships-worlds-first-commercial-application-of-dssc,173.html