ImaginDNA Advanced DNA imaging: improving spatial resolution and contrast through photoswitching
Dr. Cristina Flors
Funding : FP7-PEOPLE-2011-CIG nº 303620
Duration: 2013 - 2017
60 months
Fluorescence photoswitching constitutes the core of the recently developed “superresolution” imaging techniques, which are able to improve spatial resolution in fluorescence microscopy beyond the diffraction limit of light. Recent advances in fluorescence photoswitching have also impacted the development of other microscopy techniques such as optical lock-in detection (OLID) imaging. OLID imaging uses fluorescence photoswitching to improve image contrast, instead of spatial resolution. To fully realize the great potential of these advanced imaging methods, novel strategies to label cell components with photoswitchable fluorophores in high density are needed. This project aims at developing new and better ways to engineer fluorescence photoswitching in DNA. Different strategies to introduce desirable properties such as reversible fluorescence photoswitching, high labelling density and control over DNA sequence will be developed throughout the project.