logo nano spa 1
  • Cabecera 1
    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
  • Inicio
  • Femtosecond Spectroscopy on Molecular Systems
  • Facilities

Transient absorption system, optimized for optoelectronic devices: Temporal resolution from 100 fs to Milliseconds in same beamline, same probe pulse (only pump pulse is different, but with same wavelength and intensity), without changing the sample,

Pump pulses from 240 – 1600 nm, Probe pulses from 320 – 1700 nm, Signal stability better than 1e-5 OD, allowing to study photovoltaic samples under operational conditions. The setup can be combined on-the fly with transient electrical methods such as transient voltovoltage and transient absorption (TPV/TPC).

Software suite for data modeling including global and target analysis.