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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Nanomagnetics for biomedical and tecnological applications
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Francisco José Terán

francisco teranPhD in Physics (2001) by the Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble (France) under supervision of Prof. Marek Potemski. Dr. Teran realized different postdoctoral stays at the University of Nothingham, Grenoble High Magnetic Field Lab CNRS-MPI/FKF, and Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (2004 Juan de la Cierva fellowship). On March 2007, Dr. Teran joined IK4-Gaiker Technological Center as Senior researcher (2008 Torres Quevedo fellowship). On 2009, Dr. Terán joined IMDEA Nanociencia (2012-2017 Ramón y Cajal fellowship) to strengthen the research line on magnetic nanoparticles for biomedical applications. Since 2012, Dr. Teran is leading the Hyperthermia Lab and since 2015 the Advanced Instrumentation Service.

Phone:+34 91 299 88 64

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Diego Gómez Galán

francisco teran

Research Assistant





Previous members


David Cabrera


Degree in Materials Engineering (2013) at University of Sevilla (Spain), working part-time inside the Non-Crystalline Solid Group under the supervision of Prof. Victorino Franco; Master degree in Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology (2015) at Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). On 2013, Mr. Cabrera joined the Hyperthermia lab at iMdea Nanociencia as lab technician for characterization of the magnetic properties of magnetic nanoparticles and developing novel instrumentation. From 2014, Mr. Cabrera started PhD studies in Hyperthermia Lab at iMdea Nanoscience under the supervision of Dr. Francisco Teran. His PhD basis on the study of the influence of biological matrix on the nanomagnetism of magnetic nanoparticles.

PhD Student

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Emilio José Artés

Technician for development of electronic products (June 2014, IES María Moliner ; Segovia, Spain). Mr. Artés worked in several projects related to automate process during his intership in Toro V.E.S. (January- June 2014). Mr Artés worked as electrical damage expert for BMG Services ( September 2014- May 2015). In June 2015, Mr. Artés joined the Hyperthermia lab and the Advanced Instrumentation Unit at iMdea Nanociencia where he actively works in the design and development of prototypes of alternating magnetic field generators, AC magnetometers and magneto-thermal calorimeters.
