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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Epitexial Growth and Surface Reactivity
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Dr. Miguel Angel NIÑO

miguelangel nino

Miguel Angel Niño obtained his MSc (1997) in Solid State Physics from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). He joined in 2000 the group of Prof. R. Miranda at the Surface Science Laboratory of UAM where he obtained his PhD in 2006. He then moved to the group of Prof. M. Kiskinova and A. Locatelli at the Nanospectroscopy beamline in Elettra Synchrotron in Trieste (Italy), performing synchrotron radiation based spectromicroscopy. In 2011 he joined IMDEA Nanoscience as researcher to set the Molecular Beam Epitaxy Growth Laboratory and the surface spectroscopy analysis system.

Phone: +34 912998769

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esther carrasco

Esther Carrasco received her PhD in Physics from the Complutense University of Madrid in 2006. Afterwards, she moved to the Fritz-Haber-Institut in Berlin (Germany) to study model systems in heterogeneous catalysis. As a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral fellow at IEM-CSIC she carried out research in low temperature plasmas with a main focus in the influence of surface processes in the gas phase and vice versa. She has also been involved in nanostructures fabrication at Erlangen University (Germany) and in the study of irradiation effects on sensitive materials employed in cultural heritage at IQFR-CSIC. In January 2017 she joined IMDEA Nanoscience to study catalytic processes at model surfaces in connection with the A-LEAF project.

 Phone: +34 912998898

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Honorary Professor at Universidad Complutense (Madrid), member of the Academy of Science (RAC) has developed a long and renowned career in Surface Science. At Imdea Nanoscience he is developing a research branch based in prebiotic chemical reactions on surfaces as a route to the synthesis of organic molecules that are in the base of the origin of life.  

Phone: 912998836

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Senior Researcher