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    nanoscience and nanotechnology: small is different
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  • Epitexial Growth and Surface Reactivity
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Reactivity of a FeS surface under room temperature exposure to Nitrogen and H2S M.A. Niño; E. Flores; C. Sánchez; J.M. Rojo J. Phys. Chem. B (2017) doi: 10.1021/acs.jpcb.7b06309.

Emergence of the Stoner-Wohlfarth astroid in thin films at dynamic regime J.L.F. Cuñado; A. Bollero; T. Perez-Castañeda; P. Perna; F. Ajejas; J. Pedrosa; A. Gudín; A. Maldonado; M.A. Niño; R. Guerrero; D. Cabrera; F.J. Terán; R. Miranda; J. Camarero Scientific Reports 7 (2017), 13474.

Franckeite as a naturally occurring van der Waals heterostructure A.J. Molina-Mendoza; E. Giovanelli; W.S. Paz; M.A. Niño; L. Aballe; M. Foerster; H.S.J. van der Zant; G. Rubio-Bollinger; N. Agarit; J.J. Palacios; E.M. Pérez; A. Castellanos-Gómez Nature Communications 8 (2017), 14409.

Chraracterization of highly crystalline lead iodide nanosheets prepared by room-temperature solution processing R. Frisenda; J.O. Island; J.L. Lado; E. Giovanelli; P. Gant; P. Nagler; S. Bange; J.M. Lupton; C. Schülñer; A.J. Molina-Mendoza; L. Aballe; M. Foerster; T. Korn; M.A. Niño; D. Pérez de Lara; E.M. Pérez; J. Fernández-Rossier; A. Castellanos-Gómez Nanotechnology 28 (2017), 455703.


Centimeter-scale synthesis of ultrathin layered MoO3 by van der Waals epitaxy A.J. Molina-Mendoza; J.L. Lado; J.O. Island; M.A. Niño; L. Aballe; M. Foerster; F.Y. Bruno; A. López-Moreno; L. Vaquero-Garzón; H.S.J. van der Zant; G. Rubio-Bollinger; N. Agarit; E.M. Pérez; J. Fernández-Rossier; A. Castellanos-Gómez Chem. Mat. 28 (2016), 4042.

Mazes and meso-islands: impact of Ag preadsorption on Ge growth on Si(111) T. O. Mentes; N. Stojic; E. Vescovo; J.M. Ablett; M.A. Niño; A. Locatelli Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016), 235410.

Vacancy-mediated fcc/bcc phase separation in Fe1-xNix ultrathin films T. O. Mentes; N. Stojic; E. Vescovo; J.M. Ablett; M.A. Niño; A. Locatelli Phys. Rev. B 94 (2016), 085402.

Two dimmensional chiral asymmetry in unidirectional magnetic anisotropy structures P. Perna; F. Ajejas; D. Maccariello; J.L. Cuñado; R. Guerrero; M. A. Niño; M. Muñoz; J.L. Prieto; R. Miranda; J. Camarero AIP Advances 6 (2016), 055819.

Experimental evidence of the origin of nanophase separation in low hole-doped colossal magnetoresistant manganites R. Cortés-Gil; M.L. Ruiz-González; D. Gonzalez-Merchante; J.M. Alonso; A. Hernando; S. Trasovares; M. Vallet-Regi; J.M. Rojo; J. M. González-Calbet Nano Letters 16 (2016), 760.


Interface exchange-coupling induced chiral symmetry breaking of spin-orbit effects P. Perna.; F. Ajejas; D. Maccariello; J.L. Fernández Cuñado; R. Guerrero; M. A. Niño; A. Bollero; R. Miranda; J. Camarero Phys. Rev. B 92 (2015), 220422(R).

Phase coexistence in two dimensional Fe0.70Ni0.30 films on W(110) T. O. Mentes; A. Sala; A. Locatelli; E. Vescovo; J.M. Ablett; M.A. Niño e-J. Surf. Sci. Nanotech. 13 (2015), 256.


Enantiospecific spin polarization of electrons photoemitted through layers of homochiral organic molecules M.A. Niño;I.A. Kowalik, F.J. Luque, D. Arvanitis, R. Miranda, J.J. de Miguel Advanced Materials 26 (2014), 7474.

Desorption kinetics from a surface derived from direct imaging of the adsorbate layer S.Günther; T. O. Mentes; M.A. Niño; A. Locatelli; S. Böcklein; J. Wintterlin Nature Communications 5 (2014), 3853.

The competition for graphene formation on Re(0001): A complex interplay between carbon segregation, dissolution and carburisation E. Miniussi; M. Pozzo; T.O. Mentes; M.A. Niño;, A.Locatelli; E. Vesselli; G. Comelli; S. Lizzit;D. Alfè; A. Baraldi Carbon 73 (2014), 389.

Spatially resolved, site- dependent charge transfer and induced magnetic moment in TCNQ adsorbed on graphene D. Maccariello; M. Garnica; M.A. Niño; C. Navío; P. perna; S. Barja, A.L. Vázquez de Parga; R. Miranda Chem. Mat. 26 (2014), 2883.

Direct experimental determination of the anysotropic magnetoresistive effects P. Perna; D. Maccariello; C. Rodrigo; J.L.F. Cuñado; M. Muñoz; J.L. Prieto; M.A. Niño; A. Bollero; J. Camarero; R. Miranda Appl. Phys. Lett. 102 (2014), 202407.

Vectorial Kerr magnetometer from simultaneous and quantitative measurements of the in-plane magnetization components E. Jiménez; N. Mikuszeit; J.L.F. Cuñado; P. Perna; J. Pedrosa, D. Maccariello; C. Rodrigo; M.A. Niño; A. Bollero; J. Camarero; R. Miranda Rev. Sci. Instruments 85 (2014), 053904.

Fe3S4 (greigite) formation by vapor-solid reaction E. Bauer; K.L. Man; A. Pavlovska; A. Locatelli; T. Mentes; M.A. Niño; M. Altman J. Mat. Chem. A 2 (2014), 1903.

Growth, Reaction and Nanowire Formation of Fe on the ZnS(100) Surface K.L. Man; A. Pavlovska; E. Bauer; A. Locatelli; T. Mentes; M.A. Niño; G. Wong; I. Sou; M. Altman J. Phys.: Cond. Mat. 26 (2014), 315006.


Full field electron spectromicroscopy applied to ferroelectric materials N. Barrett; J. E. Rault; J. L. Wang; C. Mathieu; A. Locatelli; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; S. Fusil; M. Bibes; A. Barthelemy; D. Sando; W. Ren; S. Prosandeev; L. Bellaiche; B. Vilquin; A. Petraru; I. P. Krug; C. M. Schneider J. Appl. Phys. 113, 187217 (2013).

Inelastic mean free path from reflectivity of slow electrons R. Zdyb; T. O. Mentes; A. Locatelli; M. A. Niño; E. Bauer Phys. Rev. B 87,075436 (2013).

Growth of magnetic nanowires on self-organized stripe templates: Fe on Pd-O/W(110) T. O. Mentes; A. Locatelli; L. Aballe; M. A. Niño; E. Bauer Ultramicroscopy 130 (2013), 82.

The effect of magnetic anisotropy on the spin configurations of patterned La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 elements P. Wohlhüter, J. Rhensius, C. A. F. Vaz, J. Heidler, H. S. Körner, A. Bisig, M. Foerster, L. Mèchin, F. Gaucher, A. Locatelli, M. A. Niño, S. El Moussaoui, F. Nolting, E. Goering, L. J. Heyderman, M. Kläui J. Phys.: Cond. Matter. 25 (2013), 176004.

Locating catalytically active oxygen on Ag(111). A spectromicroscopy study S. Günther; S. Böcklein; J. Wintterlin; M. A. Niño; T.O. Mentes; A. Locatelli ChemCatChem 5 (2013), 3342.


Element-specific characterization of heterogeneous magnetism in (Ga,Fe)N films I. A. Kowalik; A. Persson; M. A. Niño; A. Navarro-Quezada; B. Faina; A. Bonanni; T. Dietl; D. Arvanitis Phys. Rev. B 85, 18441 (2012).

Chemical Waves and Rate Oscillations in the H2 + O2 Reaction on a Bimetallic Rh(111)/Ni Catalyst F. Lovis; T. Smolinsky; A. Locatelli; M. Á. Niño; R. Imbihl J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 4083 (2012).

Morphology and thermal stability of AlF3 thin films grown on Cu(100) G. Ruano; J.C. Moreno-López; M.C.G. Passeggi Jr.; R.A. Vidal; J. Ferrón; M.Á. Niño; R. Miranda; J.J. de Miguel Surf. Sci. 606, 573 (2012).

Magnetism in nanometer thick magnetite M. Monti; B. Santos; A. Mascaraque; O. Rodríguez de la Fuente; M. Á. Niño; T.O. Mentes; A. Locatelli; K.F. McCarty; J.F. Marco; J. de la Figuera Phys. Rev. B 85 (2012),020404(R).

Oxidation pathways in bicomponent ultrathin iron oxide films M. Monti; B. Santos; A. Mascaraque; O. Rodríguez de la Fuente; M. Á. Niño; T.O. Mentes; A. Locatelli; K.F. McCarty; J.F. Marco; J. de la Figuera J. Phys. Chem. C 116 (2012), 11539.

Control of the magnetization in pre-patterned half-metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nanostructures J. Heidler; J. Rhensius; C. A. F. Vaz; P. Wohlhüter; H. S. Körner; A. Bisig; S. Schweitzer; L. Mèchin; L. Le Guyader; F. Nolting; A. Locatelli; T.O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; F. Kronast; L. J. Heyderman, M. Kläui J. Appl. Phys. 112 (2012), 103921.


Control of spin configuration in half-metallic La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 nano-structures J. Rhensius; C. A. F. Vaz; A. Bisig; S. Schweitzer; J. Heidler; H. S. Korner; A. Locatelli; M. A. Niño; M. Weigand; L. Méchin; F. Gaucher; E. Goering; L. J. Heyderman; M. Kläui App. Phys. Lett. 99, 062508 (2011).

Thermal Stability of Corrugated Epitaxial Graphene Grown on Re(0001) E. Miniussi; M. Pozzo; A. Baraldi; E. Vesselli; R. R. Zhan; G. Comelli; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; A. Locatelli; S. Lizzit; D. Alfe Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 216101 (2011).

Self-Organization of Ultrathin Vanadium Oxide Layers on a Rh(111) Surface during a Catalytic Reaction. Part II: A LEEM and Spectromicroscopy Study F. Lovis; M. Hesse; A. Locatelli; T. O. Mentes; Miguel A. Niño; G. Lilienkamp; B. Borkenhagen; R. Imbihl J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 19149 (2011).

Morphology and composition of Au catalysts on Ge(111) obtained by thermal dewetting

S. Hajjar; G. Garreau; L. Josien; J. L. Bubendorff; D. Berling; A. Mehdaoui; C. Pirri; T. Maroutian; C. Renard; D. Bouchier; M. Petit; A. Spiesser; M. T. Dau; L. Michez; V. Le Thanh; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Nino; A. Locatelli Phys. Rev. B 84, 125325 (2011).

Stress engineering at the nanometer scale: Two-component adlayer stripes T. O. Mentes; N. Stojic; A. Locatelli; L. Aballe; N. Binggeli; M. A. Niño; M. Kiskinova; E. Bauer Eur. Phys. Lett. 94, 38003 (2011).

Direct observation of step-edge barrier effects and general aspects of growth processes: morphology and structure in diindenoperylene thin films deposited on Au(100) single crystals M. B. Casu; S.-A. Savu; P. Hoffmann; B.-E. Schuster; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; A. Locatelli; T. Chasse Cryst. Eng. Comm. 13, 4139 (2011).

In situ growth of epitaxial cerium tungstate (100) thin films T. Skala; N. Tsud; M. A. Niño Orti; T. O. Mentes; A. Locatelli; K. C. Prince; V. Matolin Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 13, 7083(2011).

Composition uniformity of site-controlled InAs/GaAs quantum dots G. Biasiol; V. Baranwal; S. Heun; M. Prasciolu; M. Tormen; A. Locatelli; T.O. Mentes; M.A. Niño; L. Sorba J. Cryst. Growth 323, 176 (2011).

Image blur and energy broadening effects in XPEEM A. Locatelli; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; E. Bauer Ultramicroscopy 111, 1447 (2011).

Surface patterning of silver using an electron- or photon-assisted oxidation reaction S. Günther; S. Böcklein; R. Reichelt; A. Barinov; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; A. Locatelli ChemPhysChem 11 (2010), 1525.

Making angle-resolved photoemission measurements on corrugated monolayer crystals: suspended exfoliated single-crystal graphene K.R. Knox; A. Locatelli; M.B. Yilmaz; D. Cvetko; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; P. Kim; A. Morgante; R.M. Osgood Jr. Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011), 115401.

Magnetization textures in NiPd nanostructures J.Y. Chauleau; B. J. McMorran; R. Belkhou; N. Bergeard; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; A. Locatelli; J. Unguris; S. Rohart; J. Miltat; A. Thiaville Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011), 094416.

Surface antiferromagnetic domain imaging using low energy unpolarized electrons K.S. R. Menon; S. Mandal; J. Das; T. O. Mentes; M. A. Niño; A. Locatelli; R. Belkhou Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011), 132402.